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Cadastral works

A set of actions aimed at creating and maintaining cadastral data on real estate and land plots in a certain territory. Cadastral work is important for ensuring law and order and protecting the interests of property owners, as well as for effective land management and infrastructure development


The Geofuture company is ready to provide professional geodetic services both for construction needs and for cadastral registration, drawing boundaries of plots, sanitary protection zones, etc. Our specialists will visit your site in Moscow and the Moscow region at a convenient time. Our employees will help you choose the right list of services and offer optimal conditions for cooperation. With the help of our company, the cadastral division of a land plot will be completed for you as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Without the participation of a surveyor, it is impossible to begin or complete the construction of any object. Cooperation with him begins long before any physical work begins. Even before purchasing land, investors often use the knowledge of such specialists to avoid costly and difficult mistakes when purchasing a site. If you need the services of this specialist, contact us for help now.

How is cadastral plots merged?

Submission of a land survey plan along with an application for the consolidation of land plots is submitted to the representative body of cadastral registration or the MFC. What is a union of cadastral plots? This is a process as a result of which a single plot of land is formed by merging several independent and separate areas into one. If we talk about legal grounds in this case, then this process is called “unification” and it is considered to be one of the types of work during which several adjacent plots of land form one, thus ceasing to exist. At the legislative level, this procedure is enshrined in Article 11.2 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation.

Several reasons to choose us:

  • We carry out cadastral work to clarify the boundaries of the site within a strictly agreed time frame;
  • We employ specialists with extensive experience;
  • We use only modern equipment;
  • in the process of work uses established norms and legislation;
  • We help in preparing all the necessary documentation;
  • We take into account all the wishes and requirements of clients.

Clients can order our services by calling us at +7 (495) 230-23-93, or by writing to For your convenience, our specialist will come to you to clarify the details of the order and conclude an agreement.

Type of work performed

Our offices

  • 8A Ryazansky Prospekt, 1, Moscow

We are always happy to help and answer all your questions